Hand-dug tunnels by the ancient Romans and the bubbling water of Candigliano that makes natural canyons: the third protected area in the province of Pesaro and, with its 3,600 hectares of woods, pastures and uncontaminated peaks, it is the greenest heart of the Montefeltro.
Beside the regional parks of San Bartolo (1,600 hectares) and Sasso Simone and Simoncello (5,000 hectares), the “Furlo state nature reserve” has recently been established. An authentic paradise, crossed by the Candigliano river which creeps between the imposing rocky walls of the Pass, where the suggestion of the landscape is combined with a prodigious naturalistic richness that boasts truly unique specimens of flora and fauna. Just think of the golden eagle, the peregrine falcon, the eagle owl, the wallcreeper, the crag martin, the alpine swift and the red-billed chough. Moreover the Furlo is home to wolves, roe deer, fallow deer and wild boars. The vegetation that covers the peaks of the massif is mainly made up of oak woods with downy oak, hop-hornbeam, manna ash, maple, rowan. The river and riparian habitat is also very varied, as is the life that swarms in the forests, pastures and shrubs.